GPU-Efficient Recursive Filtering and Summed-Area Tables
gpufilter Namespace Reference

Main namespace for the gpufilter library. More...


class  dvector
 Device Vector class. More...
struct  _clamp
 Access pattern: clamp-to-border. More...
struct  _repeat
 Access pattern: repeat. More...
struct  _mirror
 Access pattern: mirror. More...
struct  _alg_setup
 Algorithm setup to configure the GPU to run. More...
class  base_timer
 Base timer class. More...
class  gpu_timer
 GPU specialization of the timer class. More...
class  cpu_timer
 CPU specialization of the timer class. More...
class  scoped_timer_stop
 Scope-limited timer class. More...
class  timer_pool
 Pool of timers. More...
class  Vector
 Vector class. More...
class  Matrix
 Matrix class. More...


typedef struct


enum  initcond { zero, clamp, repeat, mirror }
 Enumerates possible initial conditions for 2D-image access. More...


__global__ void alg4_stage1 (float2 *g_transp_pybar, float2 *g_transp_ezhat)
 Algorithm 4 stage 1.
__global__ void alg4_stage2_3 (float2 *g_transp_pybar, float2 *g_transp_ezhat)
 Algorithm 4 stage 2 and 3 (fusioned)
__global__ void alg4_stage4 (float *g_transp_out, float2 *g_transp_py, float2 *g_transp_ez, float2 *g_pubar, float2 *g_evhat, int out_stride)
 Algorithm 4 stage 4.
__global__ void alg4_stage5_6 (float2 *g_transp_pybar, float2 *g_transp_ezhat)
 Algorithm 4 stage 5 and 6 (fusioned)
__global__ void alg4_stage7 (float *g_out, float2 *g_transp_py, float2 *g_transp_ez, int out_stride)
 Algorithm 4 stage 7.
__global__ void alg5_stage1 (float *g_transp_pybar, float *g_transp_ezhat, float *g_ptucheck, float *g_etvtilde)
 Algorithm 5 stage 1.
__global__ void alg5_stage2_3 (float *g_transp_pybar, float *g_transp_ezhat)
 Algorithm 5 stage 2 and 3 (fusioned)
__global__ void alg5_stage4_5 (float *g_ptucheck, float *g_etvtilde, const float *g_transp_py, const float *g_transp_ez)
 Algorithm 5 stage 4 and 5 (fusioned)
__global__ void alg5_stage6 (float *g_out, const float *g_transp_py, const float *g_transp_ez, const float *g_ptu, const float *g_etv)
 Algorithm 5 stage 6.
template<class T >
T * cuda_new (size_t elements)
 Allocates a new memory space in the GPU.
template<class T >
void cuda_delete (T *d_ptr)
 Deallocates a memory space in the GPU.
template<class T >
void extend_image (T *&ext_img, int &ext_w, int &ext_h, const T *img, const int &w, const int &h, const int &extb, const initcond &ic)
 Extend an image to consider initial condition outside.
template<class T >
void extract_image (T *img, const int &w, const int &h, T *&ext_img, const int &ext_w, const int &extb)
 Extract an image from an extended image.
template<class T >
void rcfr (T *inout, const int &w, const int &h, const T &b0, const T &a1, const bool &ff=false)
 Compute first-order recursive filtering on columns forward and reverse.
template<class T >
void rrfr (T *inout, const int &w, const int &h, const T &b0, const T &a1, const bool &ff=false)
 Compute first-order recursive filtering on rows forward and reverse.
template<class T >
void r (T *inout, const int &w, const int &h, const T &b0, const T &a1, const bool &ff=false, const int &extb=0, const initcond &ic=zero)
 Compute first-order recursive filtering.
template<class T >
void rcfr (T *inout, const int &w, const int &h, const T &b0, const T &a1, const T &a2, const bool &ff=false)
 Compute second-order recursive filtering on columns forward and reverse.
template<class T >
void rrfr (T *inout, const int &w, const int &h, const T &b0, const T &a1, const T &a2, const bool &ff=false)
 Compute second-order recursive filtering on rows forward and reverse.
template<class T >
void r (T *inout, const int &w, const int &h, const T &b0, const T &a1, const T &a2, const bool &ff=false, const int &extb=0, const initcond &ic=zero)
 Compute second-order recursive filtering.
template<class T >
void sat_cpu (T *in, const int &w, const int &h)
 Compute the Summed-area Table of an image in the CPU.
template<class T >
void gaussian_cpu (T **in, const int &w, const int &h, const int &depth, const T &s, const int &extb=1, const initcond &ic=clamp)
 Gaussian blur an image in the CPU.
template<class T >
void gaussian_cpu (T *in, const int &w, const int &h, const T &s, const int &extb=1, const initcond &ic=clamp)
 Gaussian blur a single-channel image in the CPU.
template<class T >
void bspline3i_cpu (T **in, const int &w, const int &h, const int &depth, const int &extb=1, const initcond &ic=mirror)
 Compute the Bicubic B-Spline interpolation of an image in the CPU.
template<class T >
void bspline3i_cpu (T *in, const int &w, const int &h, const int &extb=1, const initcond &ic=mirror)
 Compute the Bicubic B-Spline interpolation of a single-channel image in the CPU.
void calc_borders (int &left, int &top, int &right, int &bottom, const int &w, const int &h, const int &extb)
 Calculate image borders.
bool extend (const int &w, const int &h, const int &extb)
 Verify if an image needs to be extended.
void cuda_error (const std::string &msg)
 Check error in device.
template<class T >
lookat (const T *in, const int &i, const int &n, const initcond &ic, const int &p=1)
 Look in an input at a given index range.
template<class T >
lookat (const T *img, const int &i, const int &j, const int &h, const int &w, const initcond &ic)
 Look in an image at a given position.
void calc_alg_setup (alg_setup &algs, const int &w, const int &h)
 Calculate algorithm setup values.
void calc_alg_setup (alg_setup &algs, const int &w, const int &h, const int &extb)
 Upload device constants sizes.
void up_alg_setup (const alg_setup &algs)
 Upload algorithm setup values.
void up_constants_coefficients1 (const float &b0, const float &a1)
 Upload device constants first-order coefficients.
void up_constants_coefficients2 (const float &b0, const float &a1, const float &a2)
 Upload device constants second-order coefficients.
template<class T >
qs (const T &s)
 Compute recursive filtering scaling factor.
template<class T >
std::complex< T > ds (const std::complex< T > &d, const T &s)
 Rescale poles of the recursive filtering z-transform.
template<class T >
ds (const T &d, const T &s)
 Rescale poles in the real-axis of the recursive filtering z-transform.
template<class T1 , class T2 >
void weights1 (const T1 &s, T2 &b0, T2 &a1)
 Compute first-order weights.
template<class T1 , class T2 >
void weights2 (const T1 &s, T2 &b0, T2 &a1, T2 &a2)
 Compute first- and second-order weights.
void prepare_algSAT (alg_setup &algs, dvector< float > &d_inout, dvector< float > &d_ybar, dvector< float > &d_vhat, dvector< float > &d_ysum, const float *h_in, const int &w, const int &h)
 Prepare for Algorithm SAT.
void algSAT (dvector< float > &d_out, dvector< float > &d_ybar, dvector< float > &d_vhat, dvector< float > &d_ysum, const dvector< float > &d_in, const alg_setup &algs)
 Compute Algorithm SAT.
void algSAT (dvector< float > &d_inout, dvector< float > &d_ybar, dvector< float > &d_vhat, dvector< float > &d_ysum, const alg_setup &algs)
 Compute Algorithm SAT.
void algSAT (float *inout, const int &w, const int &h)
 Compute Algorithm SAT.
void prepare_alg4 (alg_setup &algs, alg_setup &algs_transp, dvector< float > &d_out, dvector< float > &d_transp_out, dvector< float2 > &d_transp_pybar, dvector< float2 > &d_transp_ezhat, dvector< float2 > &d_pubar, dvector< float2 > &d_evhat, cudaArray *&a_in, const float *h_in, const int &w, const int &h, const float &b0, const float &a1, const float &a2, const int &extb=0, const initcond &ic=zero)
 Prepare for Algorithm 4.
void alg4 (dvector< float > &d_out, dvector< float > &d_transp_out, dvector< float2 > &d_transp_pybar, dvector< float2 > &d_transp_ezhat, dvector< float2 > &d_pubar, dvector< float2 > &d_evhat, const cudaArray *a_in, const alg_setup &algs, const alg_setup &algs_transp)
 Compute Algorithm 4 (first-order)
void alg4 (float *h_inout, const int &w, const int &h, const float &b0, const float &a1, const float &a2, const int &extb=0, const initcond &ic=zero)
 Compute Algorithm 4 (second-order)
void prepare_alg5 (alg_setup &algs, dvector< float > &d_out, dvector< float > &d_transp_pybar, dvector< float > &d_transp_ezhat, dvector< float > &d_ptucheck, dvector< float > &d_etvtilde, cudaArray *&a_in, const float *h_in, const int &w, const int &h, const float &b0, const float &a1, const int &extb=0, const initcond &ic=zero)
 Prepare for Algorithm 5.
void alg5 (dvector< float > &d_out, dvector< float > &d_transp_pybar, dvector< float > &d_transp_ezhat, dvector< float > &d_ptucheck, dvector< float > &d_etvtilde, const cudaArray *a_in, const alg_setup &algs)
 Compute Algorithm 5 (first-order)
void alg5 (float *h_inout, const int &w, const int &h, const float &b0, const float &a1, const int &extb=0, const initcond &ic=zero)
 Compute Algorithm 5 (first-order)
void gaussian_gpu (float **inout, const int &w, const int &h, const int &d, const float &s, const int &extb=1, const initcond &ic=clamp)
 Gaussian blur an image in the GPU.
void gaussian_gpu (float *inout, const int &w, const int &h, const float &s, const int &extb=1, const initcond &ic=clamp)
 Gaussian blur a single-channel image in the GPU.
void bspline3i_gpu (float **inout, const int &w, const int &h, const int &d, const int &extb=1, const initcond &ic=mirror)
 Compute the Bicubic B-Spline interpolation of an image in the GPU.
void bspline3i_gpu (float *inout, const int &w, const int &h, const int &extb=1, const initcond &ic=mirror)
 Compute the Bicubic B-Spline interpolation of a single-channel image in the GPU.
__host__ void up_texture (cudaArray *&a_in, const float *h_in, const int &w, const int &h, const initcond &ic)
 Upload input image as a texture in device.
__global__ void algSAT_stage1 (const float *g_in, float *g_ybar, float *g_vhat)
 Algorithm SAT stage 1.
__global__ void algSAT_stage2 (float *g_ybar, float *g_ysum)
 Algorithm SAT stage 2.
__global__ void algSAT_stage3 (const float *g_ysum, float *g_vhat)
 Algorithm SAT stage 3.
__global__ void algSAT_stage4 (float *g_inout, const float *g_y, const float *g_v)
 Algorithm SAT stage 4.
__global__ void algSAT_stage4 (float *g_out, const float *g_in, const float *g_y, const float *g_v)
 Algorithm SAT stage 4 (not-in-place computation)
template<class T >
void copy_to_symbol (const std::string &name, const T &value)
 Copy value(s) to symbol.
void copy_to_symbol (const std::string &name, unsigned long value)
void copy_to_symbol (const std::string &name, long value)
template<class T >
void copy_to_symbol (const std::string &name, const std::string &size_name, const std::vector< T > &items)
template<class T >
void copy_to_symbol (const std::string &name, const std::vector< T > &items)


timer_pool timers
 Global pool of timers.

Detailed Description

Main namespace for the gpufilter library.

Typedef Documentation