R. David Personal's Page


FOCO is a system that allows the user to do research on a Photo Collection DataBase in an intuitive and eficient way, making use of a Multitouch interface. The implementation was done in Processing using the ReacTivision Software and a ReacTable. I did this project toghether Joana Passi de Moraes (Fine Arts-UFRJ), and was done for the 1st Interdiciplinary Office of Interactive Medias at IMPA. Check the website of the workshop for more information.

Seam Carving for Content Aware-Image Resizing for the course Image Processing for Vision and Graphics. This is a method for resizing an image with just removing curves of minimal energy (seams), changing the aspect-ratio but preserving other important features. Also you can think on using the method on a sequence of images (video) and make a Synopsis!! The actual implementation is in MATLAB and C++. Check the site here.

Using Line Integral Convolution Ideas for NPR. The scientific visualization of vector fields meets art!. Mixing techiques like Line Integral Convolution (LIC) with Non-Photorealitic Rendering (NPR) we can obtain differents effects like automated silhouette, pencil sketch ilustrations, painterly rendering of images, among others. Obiously the effects vary with each vector field, so designing a vector field becomes a fundamental tool for effects on arbitrary images. I'm making a Vector Field Design System that works over a initial white noise image, and the user with just a click can decide the position and the kind of singularity he wants. I use the LIC for visualizing the output vector field. The implementation is in C++ using the Image Library CImg. Check the site here.


A Sketch Based 3D System for the course 3D Graphics Systems.. Sketch based interfaces are designed to link hand sketches with computer-based modeling programs, and to help designers during the early conceptual design stage. I made a very basic system that can model any kind of plane curves, surfaces of revolution, and that recognize simple gestures like circles, lines, etc. The implementation is in C using the GP API. Check the site for more information.

The Melkman Convex Hull Algorithm for the course Computational Geometry.This is an implementation of the Melkman convex hull algorithm for simple polylines with a complexity time of O(n). The implementation is in C++ with OpenGL. Check the site for tutorial on this method and the source code.