On the Modelling and Design of Omnidirectional Catadioptric Sensors

José Luiz de Souza Pio1,3, Camillo Jorge Santos Oliveira2, Mário Fernando Montenegro Campos1
1Laboratório de Visão Computacional e Robótica - VerLab/DCC/ICEx/UFMG
2Núcleo de Processamento Digital de Imagens - NPDI/DCC/ICEx/UFMG
3Departamento de Ciência da Computação - DCC/UFAM

Abstract. Conventional cameras have a rather limited field of view, which raises various problems like the necessity to their orientation. Panoramic or omnidirectional image sensor solve this problem by using a curved mirror. In this work we address the modelling and design omnidirectional catadioptric sensors and show our experiences with semi-spherical mirrors.

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Setup without spherical mirror. Setup with spherical mirror.
Catadioptric Image formed using a spherical mirror
with normal ilumination.
Catadioptric Image formed using a spherical mirror
with more ilumination.
Catadioptric Image formed using a little
spherical mirror.
Catadioptric Image formed using a little
spherical mirror.