Development of an Image Edition Module of the Interactive Training System

Antonio V. Netto, Camilo Y. Campo, Osvaldo Cesar P. de Almeida, Diego F. de Carvalho

Abstract. The objective of the system is to offer the training centers in the security area a modern training system that uses visual simulation and user interaction technology. In the future the system will also provide immersion to the environment where the security professional will act. To generate this interactivity, the system will show in a bulkhead a 2D film and later in phase 2 a 3D film, with real daily situations of the security professional, such as assaults, kidnappings, invasions, etc, using a projection that will generate characters in real size (1:1). Thru these images and the emitted sounds, the system intendes to generate a sensation of physical presence in the environment at that moment where the situation is occurring. With a loaded real weapon with silica projectiles, the user will have to make decisions, such as the accurate moment to draw the weapon and to shoot. After this action a reaction will occur in the film, accordingly with the result of the detonation. After the detonation effect, the system will be responsible for defining which new sequence of images will be shown in the screen, depending on the performance of the user.

In this poster are presented the results of the development of the edition module of images of the projected system for the interactive training in the security area. Basically, the system of computational control is constituted of three parts: 2D-film exhibition control unit, Control module, and Edition module. The edition module is responsible for identifying which regions of the subject who appear in the scene in each frame of 2D film will be considered fatal or not.

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Parternship. This project is developed with the laboratories of computer intelligence (LABIC) and high performance (LCAD) of the Institute of Computer and Mathematical Sciences of the University of São Paulo (ICMC/USP)
