Marco Brunella (January 07, 2012)

"Genki deska? Genki desu.". These were my last words (in Japanese) with Marco Brunella, the mathematician whose works contributed to a new chapter of algebraic geometry under the name holomorphic foliations. His book "birational Geometry of Foliations" is without doubt one of the main building block's of the modern theory of holomorphic foliations in complex surfaces. It is now also the main source of information for a second course in holomorphic foliation at IMPA. I had not so much mathematical conversations with Marco, instead a day of fun in Tokyo trying to understand the joy of Japanese people playing Pachinko. In one instance, he reminded me that after a blow-up at a point one gets center singularities for cheap, and so, the center problem for arbitrary surfaces might have trivial components. Here, is a report of his death in portuguese Here, is a report of his death in portuguese sent by Prof. Camacho, the director of IMPA in 2012.
Marco and me at Tokyo Trying to understand the fun behind siting this machine and thowing the balls