Speaker:Sebastián Herrero Date: 10:30 15/04/2022 Title:p-adic asymptotic distribution of CM points Abstract: A CM point in the moduli space Y of complex elliptic curves is a point representing an elliptic curve with complex multiplication. A classical result of William Duke (1988), complemented by Laurent Clozel and Emmanuel Ullmo (2004), states that CM points become uniformly distributed on the moduli space Y when we let the discriminant of the corresponding ring of endomorphisms go to infinity. Since CM points are algebraic, it is possible to study p-adic analogues of this phenomenon. In this talk I will present a description of the p-adic asymptotic distribution of CM points in the moduli space of p-adic elliptic curves. This is joint work with Ricardo Menares (PUC, Chile) and Juan Rivera-Letelier (U. of Rochester, USA).