Assignment 1

Fabian Prada

Implemented Filters and Results:

  1. Box (N=0,L=1,W=1,Interpolator,Positive)

  2. Box.png
  3. Hat (N=1,L=2,W=2,R=0,Interpolator,Positive)

  4. Hat.png
  5. Bspline3 (N=3,L=4,W=4,R=2,No Interpolator,Positive)

  6. Bspline3.png
  7. Mitchel-Netravali (N=3,L=2,W=4,R=1,No Interpolator,Negative Lobes)

  8. Mitchel-Netravali.png
  9. Keys (Catmull-Rom) (N=3,L=3,W=4,R=1,Interpolator,Negative Lobes)

  10. Keys.png
  11. Keys6 (N=3,L=4,W=6,R=1,Interpolator,Negative Lobes)

  12. Keys6.png
  13. Lanczos4 (W=4,Interpolator,Negative Lobes)

  14. Lanczos4.png
  15. Lanczos6 (W=6,Interpolator,Negative Lobes)

  16. Lanczos6.png
  17. Dodgson Interpolating (Interpolating Quadratic) (N=2,L=2,W=3,R=0,Interpolator,Negative Lobes)

  18. DodgsonInterpolating.png
  19. Dodgson C1 (Bspline2) (N=2,L=2,W=3,R=1,No Interpolator,Positive)

  20. DodgsonC1.png
  21. Meijering5 (N=5,L=3,W=6,R=3,Interpolator,Negative Lobes)

  22. Meijering5.png

Observations and Conclusions:


The next ranking is ONLY based on my perception of reconstruction quality. It does not involve any other measure such as computational cost.

    High Performance:
  1. Lanczos6
  2. Keys(W=6)

  3. Good Performance:
  4. Lanczos4
  5. Keys(W=4)
  6. Meijering5

  7. Acceptable Performance:
  8. Dodgeson Interpolating (Interpolating Cuadratic)
  9. Mitchell-Netravali

  10. Defficient Performance:
  11. Dodgeson C1 (Bspline2)
  12. Hat
  13. Bspline3
  14. Box