Assignment 1

Fabian Prada

This assignament explore some features of scene description and rendering options provided by PBRT


buddha400x800.jpg buddha400x800.jpg buddha200x400.jpg buddha100x200.jpg
Resolution 400x800 300x600 200x400 100x200
Rendering Time 53seg 29.9seg 13seg 3.4seg

  • The computational time expended on rendering is linear on the number of pixels of the image. Therefore, duplicating the sides of an image increases 4x the running time. This is because the number of rays traced (samples) is constant per pixel.

  • 2)Samplers

    Sampler Result Rendering Time
    Random spheres-differentials-texfilt-Random4.jpg 3.7 seg
    Stratified spheres-differentials-texfilt-Strat4.jpg 3.9 seg
    Halton spheres-differentials-texfilt-Halton4.jpg 4.0 seg
    Low Discrepancy spheres-differentials-texfilt-LD4.jpg 4.0 seg
    Best Candidate spheres-differentials-texfilt-BC4.jpg 4.1 seg
  • Rendering time was almost independent of the sampler used. This shows that the computational cost of generating samples is just a little portion of the total rendering process. Thereofere, prefering a a higher quality sampling (for instance, LD instead of stratified) can be also justified by the little difference in computational costs. The previous results where generated using 4 samples per pixels and were filtered with Box. Random, Stratified and Halton still have a lot of alias in the back part of the plane, and in the ecuator of the closest sphere. BC do a better work, but is not as good as LD.

  • When we increase the number of samples per pixel the rendering time increases proportionally. For instance if we take 16 samples per pixel the rendering time is about 15segs. Again, this evidence the linear relation between the computational time and the number of rays traced.
  • 3)Filters

    Filter Result Rendering Time
    Box spheres-differentials-texfilt-Box.jpg 2.1 seg
    Triangle spheres-differentials-texfilt-Triangle.jpg 2.3 seg
    Mitchell spheres-differentials-texfilt-Mitchell.jpg 2.4 seg
    Gaussian spheres-differentials-texfilt-Gaussian.jpg 2.4 seg
    Sinc spheres-differentials-texfilt-Sinc.jpg 3.1 seg
  • The previous results were generated using 2 samples per pixel. Rendering time of Box was shorter than Triangle, Mitchell and Gaussian, and these ones were faster than Sinc. Because of the reduced number of samples almost all reconstruction evidence alias in the back part of the plane and in the closest sphere ecuator. Box filtering shows some jagging for the widthest lines, and Triangle filtering is excesivelly blurred.The results of Mitchell, Gaussian and Sinc where slightly better.
  • 4)Camera Coordinate System

    Reference Change of position Change of direction vector
    arcsphere-Reference.jpg arcsphere-CameraMov1.jpg arcsphere-CameraMov2.jpg
    Change of up vector Change of fov
    arcsphere-CameraMov3.jpg arcsphereFOV90.jpg

    5)Object Coordinate System

    Reference Transation Scaling Rotation
    bump-sphere-Reference.jpg bump-sphere-T1.jpg bump-sphere-T2.jpg bump-sphere-T3.jpg


    Illumination Result
    Distant spheres-differentials-texfilt-L0.jpg
    Point spheres-differentials-texfilt-L1.jpg
    Infinite spheres-differentials-texfilt-L2.jpg
    Spot spheres-differentials-texfilt-L3.jpg
    Area Light: Disk spheres-differentials-texfilt-L4.jpg


    Reference anim-bluespheresRef.jpg
    Changing Velocities anim-bluespheresChangingVelocity.jpg
    Changing Start and End Times anim-bluespheresChangingTimes.jpg
    Number of samples per pixel 32 512
    Result bump-sphere32.jpg bump-sphere512.jpg