zsig 1.0.0


This is an example of how to use the Zernike Polynomials Orthogonal Basis class and auxiliary functions.

See also:
#include <limits>
#include <fstream>

#include <zpolbasist.hh>

#define ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE long double

typedef zsig::ZernikePolynomialsBasisT< ZERNIKE_ORDER, ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE > zpolbasis_type;

#define DOMAIN_GRID_X 256
#define DOMAIN_GRID_Y 256

typedef unsigned char pgmimg [DOMAIN_GRID_X][DOMAIN_GRID_Y];

// Generate an example gray image (0: river; 1: rotated river; 2: vale)
void generate_gray_image( pgmimg& img, const unsigned& example ) {

        float x, y, r;
        unsigned char gray;

        for (unsigned gx = 0; gx < DOMAIN_GRID_X; ++gx) {

                x = ( 2.f * gx + 1.f ) / (float)(DOMAIN_GRID_X) - 1.f;

                for (unsigned gy = 0; gy < DOMAIN_GRID_Y; ++gy) {

                        y = ( 2.f * gy + 1.f ) / (float)(DOMAIN_GRID_Y) - 1.f;

                        r = (float)sqrt( x*x + y*y );

                        if( example == 0 ) gray = (unsigned char)( 255 * (x*x) );
                        else if( example == 1 ) gray = (unsigned char)( 255 * (y*y) );
                        else if( example == 2 ) gray = (unsigned char)( 255 * (r*r) );
                        else gray = 0.f;

                        if( r > 1.f ) gray = 0.f;

                        img[gx][gy] = gray;




// Write a pgm image file with name fn
void write_pgm( pgmimg& img, const char *fn ) {

        std::ofstream out(fn);

        out << "P5\n" << DOMAIN_GRID_X << " " << DOMAIN_GRID_Y << "\n255\n";

        out.write( (const char*)&img[0][0], DOMAIN_GRID_X * DOMAIN_GRID_Y );



// Main
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {

        std::vector<float[15]> a;

        std::cout << "[zsig] Usage: " << argv[0] << " [write] (where write = 1 outputs images as ppm)\n"
                  << "[zsig] Example 2 :: Project / Reconstruct / Compare\n"
                  << "[zsig] Allocating memory for Zernike Polynomials Basis\n"
                  << "[zsig] The domain grid is: " << DOMAIN_GRID_X << " x " << DOMAIN_GRID_Y
                  << " with Zernike Order = " << ZERNIKE_ORDER
                  << " and each value type = " << sizeof(ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE) << " Bytes\n";

        bool write_images = ( argc == 2 and argv[1][0] == '1' );

        zpolbasis_type **ZernikeBasis = new zpolbasis_type*[DOMAIN_GRID_X];
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < DOMAIN_GRID_X; ++i)
                ZernikeBasis[i] = new zpolbasis_type[DOMAIN_GRID_Y];

        std::cout << "[zsig] Computing the Zernike Polynomials Basis\n";

        zsig::compute_basis( ZernikeBasis, DOMAIN_GRID_X, DOMAIN_GRID_Y );

        std::cout << "[zsig] Generating river gray image\n";

        pgmimg image;

        generate_gray_image( image, 0 );

        if( write_images ) {

                std::cout << "[zsig] Writing generated image: river.pgm\n";

                write_pgm( image, "river.pgm" );


        std::cout << "[zsig] Converting it to Zernike coefficients\n";


        for (unsigned gx = 0; gx < DOMAIN_GRID_X; ++gx) {

                f_image[gx] = new ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE[DOMAIN_GRID_Y];

                for (unsigned gy = 0; gy < DOMAIN_GRID_Y; ++gy) {

                        f_image[gx][gy] = (ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE)( image[gx][gy] / 255.0 );



        zpolbasis_type Zriver;

        Zriver.project( f_image, ZernikeBasis, DOMAIN_GRID_X, DOMAIN_GRID_Y );

        std::cout << "[zsig] Reconstructing image from Zernike coefficients\n";

        for (unsigned gx = 0; gx < DOMAIN_GRID_X; ++gx)
                for (unsigned gy = 0; gy < DOMAIN_GRID_Y; ++gy)
                        f_image[gx][gy] = (ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE)0;

        Zriver.reconstruct( f_image, ZernikeBasis, DOMAIN_GRID_X, DOMAIN_GRID_Y );

        // min/max scalar values
        ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE mins = std::numeric_limits< ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE >::max(),
        maxs = -std::numeric_limits< ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE >::max();

        for (unsigned gx = 0; gx < DOMAIN_GRID_X; ++gx) {

                for (unsigned gy = 0; gy < DOMAIN_GRID_Y; ++gy) {

                        if( f_image[gx][gy] == 0 ) continue;

                        mins = std::min( mins, f_image[gx][gy] );
                        maxs = std::max( maxs, f_image[gx][gy] );



        for (unsigned gx = 0; gx < DOMAIN_GRID_X; ++gx) {

                for (unsigned gy = 0; gy < DOMAIN_GRID_Y; ++gy) {

                        if( f_image[gx][gy] == 0 ) { image[gx][gy] = 0; continue; }

                        image[gx][gy] = (unsigned char)( 255 * (f_image[gx][gy] - mins) / (maxs - mins) );



        if( write_images ) {

                std::cout << "[zsig] Writing reconstructed river gray image: recon_river.pgm\n";

                write_pgm( image, "recon_river.pgm" );


        std::cout << "[zsig] Generating rotated river gray image\n";

        generate_gray_image( image, 1 );

        if( write_images ) {

                std::cout << "[zsig] Writing generated image: rot_river.pgm\n";

                write_pgm( image, "rot_river.pgm" );


        std::cout << "[zsig] Converting it to Zernike coefficients\n";

        for (unsigned gx = 0; gx < DOMAIN_GRID_X; ++gx)
                for (unsigned gy = 0; gy < DOMAIN_GRID_Y; ++gy)
                        f_image[gx][gy] = (ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE)( image[gx][gy] / 255.0 );

        zpolbasis_type Zrotated;

        Zrotated.project( f_image, ZernikeBasis, DOMAIN_GRID_X, DOMAIN_GRID_Y );

        std::cout << "[zsig] Comparing river and rotated Zernike coefficients ...\n";

        ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE dist = Zriver.compare( Zrotated );

        std::cout << "[zsig] ... give the Euclidean distance of these two images in Zernike space: " << dist << "\n";

        std::cout << "[zsig] Generating vale gray image\n";

        generate_gray_image( image, 2 );

        if( write_images ) {

                std::cout << "[zsig] Writing generated image: vale.pgm\n";

                write_pgm( image, "vale.pgm" );


        std::cout << "[zsig] Converting it to Zernike coefficients\n";

        for (unsigned gx = 0; gx < DOMAIN_GRID_X; ++gx)
                for (unsigned gy = 0; gy < DOMAIN_GRID_Y; ++gy)
                        f_image[gx][gy] = (ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE)( image[gx][gy] / 255.0 );

        zpolbasis_type Zvale;

        Zvale.project( f_image, ZernikeBasis, DOMAIN_GRID_X, DOMAIN_GRID_Y );

        std::cout << "[zsig] Reconstructing image from Zernike coefficients\n";

        for (unsigned gx = 0; gx < DOMAIN_GRID_X; ++gx)
                for (unsigned gy = 0; gy < DOMAIN_GRID_Y; ++gy)
                        f_image[gx][gy] = (ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE)0;

        Zvale.reconstruct( f_image, ZernikeBasis, DOMAIN_GRID_X, DOMAIN_GRID_Y );

        // min/max scalar values
        mins = std::numeric_limits< ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE >::max();
        maxs = -std::numeric_limits< ZERNIKE_VALUE_TYPE >::max();

        for (unsigned gx = 0; gx < DOMAIN_GRID_X; ++gx) {

                for (unsigned gy = 0; gy < DOMAIN_GRID_Y; ++gy) {

                        if( f_image[gx][gy] == 0 ) continue;

                        mins = std::min( mins, f_image[gx][gy] );
                        maxs = std::max( maxs, f_image[gx][gy] );



        for (unsigned gx = 0; gx < DOMAIN_GRID_X; ++gx) {

                for (unsigned gy = 0; gy < DOMAIN_GRID_Y; ++gy) {

                        if( f_image[gx][gy] == 0 ) { image[gx][gy] = 0; continue; }

                        image[gx][gy] = (unsigned char)( 255 * (f_image[gx][gy] - mins) / (maxs - mins) );



        if( write_images ) {

                std::cout << "[zsig] Writing reconstructed vale gray image: recon_river.pgm\n";

                write_pgm( image, "recon_vale.pgm" );


        std::cout << "[zsig] Comparing river and vale Zernike coefficients ...\n";

        dist = Zriver.compare( Zvale );

        std::cout << "[zsig] ... give the Euclidean distance of these two images in Zernike space: " << dist << "\n";

        std::cout << "[zsig] Done!\n";

        return 0;

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